Well 49%... BUT I STILL NEED YOUR HELP to get to 100%!! go to Kickstarter to contribute!
This will be the BEST time to support me for a few key reasons:
I am NOT asking you to support me both here and kickstarter. Please pick one.
Get 3 YEARS access for the price of a 10 month membership. (Best price.)
My website is now the BEST place to see all my renders, nice and organized!
There will not be another chance for a deal like this.
Kickstarters will receive Lifetime discord privileges!
Kickstarters will have 3 Years access to Kickstarter ONLY content!
Kickstarters will DIRECTLY help fund a new PC for the development of my games!
ESCAPE development will commence IMMEDIATLEY upon setup of new PC.
A lot of you are still thinking about it! So please ask me any questions you have!! Thank you so much for your support! -Ace